Break A Nail !!!
"A goal without a plan is just a wish"- Truly said by an anonymous. By this, if you've read my earlier post you might get what I mean. Somebody (Me) had a big plan like no one else, to go on a vaca to the 'it lake' during the festive season. It was the 'it lake' cause apparently it was on everyone's vaca list to travel...which probably might be the reason that statistics say that this year the tourist or number of travelers exceeded to the place than expected resulting in people to set their own tent in the open spaces to stay the night. Fortunately, I would not be one of the people setting out tents because I didn't own a tent. Unfortunately, we didn't go to the place because we didn't plan it prior. Come to think of is also a good fortune. Mr. K had decided to stay in Ktm for quite some time so he didn't go back to his gau (city in reality). He had someone pass away in his family, which sort of religiously or cu...