Sunday Funday

me with the duckface and my friend with her sister

What else can we do while we wait for our food to come?? Take Selfies

Hello there peeps,

So finally I've decided to be regular on post!! That's something I wanna stick with for sure this time! Usually I am at work and I don't get to just sit in front of a desktop and write my blog...I have to go here and there maybe that's coz I can;t sit at 1 place?? But seriously I don't get to time to post my blog! This is my third time posting blog and I really wanna post some more! I'll be posting blogs upon random things I do and my other blog there I'll be posting post related to fashion from Nepali streets to new fashion trends! So I hope you guys will help me through my blog journey!

About this blog,my day off is on Sunday so last Sunday I was busy from morning to evening.I woke up early and I had to go to Swayambunath to offer some offerings to the monks and all the people staying there for fasting! It is actually the month when Lord Buddha was born and accordign to Tibetan calender the fourth month is known as Saka Dawa and remembered as the most holy month! This is the month commonly associated with Lord buddha's enlightenment and parinirvana(death). So during this month the merits of any good deeds that you perform are considered to multiplied by 1000 and more.

So this was just some explanation about this month and yeah this month I am also vegetarian.And what else to say oh yeah!! After I returned from Swayambunath I went to my workplace even if it was my off but I had to direct my friend there for some interview! After that I went rushing back to home and changed  took my swimming costume to get some splash in the pool! Wow it was so refreshing, i had already burned my legs last Sunday in the pool so this time I couldn't see any diffrence! So this was my Sunday How was yours??
See ya soon...Can't wait to come back!


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